Sharing a passion for making positive changes in the world.
What we believe
The Bible
We believe the Bible is the written Word of God, inspired by God’s Spirit speaking through its authors. We believe that people meet God in Scripture, where God’s heart, mind, relationship to--and intention for--humankind are revealed. Through an ongoing dialogue with the God revealed in the Bible, people in every age are called to a living faith.
we are connected in faith
The congregations of the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin believe we are called to model Jesus' call to unity (John 17). We do that by accompanying each other in this synod; sharing our resources, ideas, and questions. We also believe that our mission and ministry are strengthened when we walk together with the other 64 synods of the ELCA and Lutherans around the world.
social issues
We believe the church has a responsibility to faithfully participate in society. As such, we have developed positions on a number of social issues facing us in the world today.
Learn how the ELCA addresses social concerns
Social Statements
ELCA social statements are teaching documents that assist members in their thinking about social issues.
we care for creation
Lutherans believe all of creation is a gift from God to be cherished and preserved. We are called to live in harmony with God’s world and, where possible, work for the betterment of all God’s creatures. We do this by working together on social and ecological issues locally and globally.
we reach out to others
Everything we do together as disciples of Jesus has one purpose--to be God’s instruments for good in the world. Our congregations serve as launching pads, equipping their members to be God’s hands and feet in their homes, work places, and communities. We are intentional about taking the spark of faith that the Spirit has ignited within us and turning it into a light that shines outwardly to others.