Synod Endowment Fund

Grateful hearts.  Joyful giving.  Vibrant church.

"It is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches."

 ~Matthew 13:32

What is an endowment fund?

The Northwest Synod of Wisconsin’s Endowment Fund is a means by which you can leave a legacy of your faith in God.  The fund is overseen by a committee appointed by the synod council to wisely invest contributions so that it grows and provides interest and dividends that are then used to advance the mission of the synod and make a difference in the world.  

Endowment Fund By-Laws

Endowment Fund Gift Policy


Established in 2001, the purpose of this fund is to:

1. Encourage whole life stewardship and to receive and manage donations, bequests, and charitable gifts from individuals, congregations, and organizations.  

2. Strengthen and resource the ministry of the synod.

3. Enhance the ministry of the synod in addition to, and apart from, its yearly operating budget, with emphasis on, but not limited to: 

• Equipping and supporting leaders - seminary debt assistance, training lay leaders

• Strengthening congregational vitality- connect to God, connect   to neighbors  

• Developing ministry for the next generation - first third of life resources and training.

How can I make a gift?

Thank you for choosing to make a difference in the church by supporting our mission: Walking Together for the sake of God’s mission in the world.

Whether you have much to give or a small amount to share, leaving a gift through an estate plan will have long-lasting impact.  To share a gift now,  give in memory or honor of someone, or include a bequest to the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin’s Endowment Fund, you will be providing a lasting legacy of faith and love.  

Today Tomorrow Together Appeal 2022-24

Response Card

Giving options

To give a gift by check, please make payable to: 

The Northwest Synod of Wisconsin

(“Endowment Fund” in the memo)

and send to:

Northwest Synod of Wisconsin

944  24 1/4 Street   Suite 2

Chetek, WI  54728


For other inquiries related to endowment gifts and estate planning, you can contact: 

The Northwest Synod of Wisconsin Office


The ELCA Regional Gift Planner

Cynthia J. Halverson, ELCA Foundation






Click HERE for the Synod Endowment Fund Brochure

Click HERE to complete a grant application online