"Fresh Expressions is a movement of the HolySpirit cultivating new forms of church alongside existing congregations to reach a changing world."

Deep Roots, Wild Branches, pg. 53

Fresh Expressions Sampler 2025!

February 15 - St. Croix Conference

April 12 - Apple River Conference

May 31 - Superior Conference

June 28 - Chequamegon Conference

July 26 - Heart of the North Conference

August 23 - Chippewa Valley Conference

On these dates, Bryan Willkom and Rev. Diane House will lead examples of Fresh Expressions of church in these conferences. Participants will have the opportunity to sample Yoga Church, Book Church, Dinner Church, Beer Church and Trail Church.  

Specific locations TBD by each conference and will be available soon! 

Details can be found HERE.


For information about Fresh Expressions in the Northwest Synod of WIsconsin please contact Rev. Diane House, Director for Evangelical Mission:



To access audio conversations about practicing Fresh Expressions through Luther Seminary's Pivot Podcast HERE.