Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi, Africa

We are walking in the light of God together sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and embracing the mutuality of our gifts and mission.

Malawi, Africa

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi is a quickly growing churches in the Sub-Saharan Africa region. The ELCM was established November 21, 1982. The establishment was done by indigenous lay people who became Lutherans as they worked in the neighboring countries of Zimbabwe, South Africa and Tanzania where Lutheranism had already existed and rooted.

In 1999, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi and the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin - ELCA covenanted together in a companion synod relationship.

Read a Condensed History of the NWSWI/ELCM Partnership here

Video: A message from Roxie, Duane, Rick & Laurie


Ongoing support for the ministry we do together

We continue to seek ways to sustain the ministries we do together, and to develop new and meaningful ways we can accompany our brothers and sisters in Malawi.  If you or your congregation feel called to support well projects, the Pastors' Academy, literacy or children's education programs, permaculture training, parish/clinic/school buildings, or feeding programs, please contact the companion synod coordinator, Deacon Laura Ramlow (lramlow@nwswi.org).  

Or you can click the link below to arrange your gift. 

Or, you can give directly by check to:

The Northwest Synod of Wisconsin

944 24 1/4 Street

Chetek WI  54728

Thank you for your generosity!

Journey to the Neighbor

What started as a friendship more than 30 years ago has grown into the beloved partnership we share with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi.  Together we lift one another up in support and mutual encouragement.  Join us as we Journey to the neighbor, considering our siblings in Malawi and the neighbors we have yet to meet.  

Download Lenten Resource Here

The Warm Heart of Advent

We are blessed by our partnership with our siblings in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi; the people in the Warm Heart of Africa embody hospitality, generosity, love and joy in deeply meaningful and authentic ways.  May this worship resource share a glimpse of that with you as we prepare our hearts for the birth of Christ this Advent season!

Download pdf HERE