Welcome to The northwest synod of wisconsin

The Northwest Synod of Wisconsin is one of 65 synods of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We are comprised of 191 congregations, over 81,000 members, and over 300 rostered ministers.

Synod means walking together, which describes our interdependent ministry relationship as we support mission partners, carry out synodical and churchwide initiatives, provide for education events and leadership training, respond to disaster and emergency needs, and heed the call to be a church engaged in all the world.

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  • staff

    Meet your synod staff

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  • Calendar

    Synod events

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  • Neighbor to Neighbor

    Latinx Ministry

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  • Synod Youth Board

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  • malawi, AFRICA

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  • Our Land Acknowledgement

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  • Justice Ministries

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  • Our RIC WElcome Statement

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Synod office

How to find us:

Northwest Synod of Wisconsin

944 24¼ Street, Suite 2

Chetek, WI 54728

Exit Hwy 53 toward Chetek. Continue on County Highway I as it becomes 2nd Street. Follow 2nd Street through Chetek, cross the long bridge and go straight on County Road M. In approximately one mile, turn left onto Luther Park Road. At the "T," turn right onto 24¼ Street. Luther Park Bible Camp will be on the left side of the road. Our office is located in the lower level of Luther Park's Welcome Center.



715.859.6812 (fax)