Civic Life

  • This Draft is the result of three years of study by the ELCA Task Force for Studies on Civic Life and Faith. Members of the task force have worked diligently to provide this Draft as a test case for your response. Task force members might personally favor alternative wording at selected points, but they are in consensus that this document is ready for wider input from our church. That is, they support releasing this draft as a communal expression that faithfully represents their work. That work has included listening sessions, hours of reading and study, preparation of a study, and constant grappling with these critical, contemporary, and vexing matters in search of common convictions and expression. It is shared in this spirit of discernment.

  • Open until 30 September 2024

    At this time the task force encourages you to study and give feedback on a draft version of the social statement. You can participate by filling out a survey, or by participating in a hearing in your synod, if available. Hearings are public gatherings where participants share their specific affirmations or concerns about a draft statement.

  • We are called to conversation and prayer around our role as U.S. residents and as people of faith in ensuring our election systems promote dignity and respect for all.

    We are called to act by speaking out as advocates and engaging in local efforts to guarantee the right to vote to all citizens.

  • The books suggested are suggested to reflect the theology and faith of our Lutheran tradition: love your neighbor.  They are not intended to be partisan, nor do they advocate for any political party or candidate.  

    You are encouraged to read widely, provide a hospitable environment for civil discussion on the books or topics, and ENGAGE in civic life as a means to express your faith and care for others.