Children and youth ministry

Vibrant Youth Ministry can be found throughout our synod. Although it is primarily carried out at the congregational level, there are also opportunities for youth to be involved at the synodical level.

Synod Youth Board

The Synod Youth Board is comprised of high school youth from all over our synod who have a passion for the future of the church! The board meets about 4 times in a year to plan Godstock (High School Event) and Christ Jam (Middle School Event). The SYB also has representation on the Synod Council.  

Check out the Synod Youth Board Website!

Youth WOrker's NEtwork

Professionals and volunteers who work with youth to gather, share ideas, resources, conversation, and ongoing education in youth ministry. They meet as a group quarterly at Bethany Lutheran Church in Rice Lake, Wisconsin.

YWN Brochure

Practice Discipleship

As a ministry of the ELCA Youth Ministry Network, Practice Discipleship is a movement of ministry leadership which is designed to equip and support those who are called to Faith Formation and Children, Youth and Family ministry.  

The Purpose of Practice Discipleship is to "foster faithful, thoughtful, and intentional leaders in congregations who follow Jesus in their daily lives."

PD Website and Resources

NWSWI PD Facebook Page

Vibrant Faith

Vibrant Faith is committed to guiding people and communities in a lifelong journey of discipleship – experiencing, learning, and practicing the Christian faith – as they seek to follow God’s Way in the world.

Vibrant Faith Resources

ELCA youth ministry network

The ELCA Youth Ministry Network seeks to provide opportunities for spiritual renewal, continuing education and networking for adults who work with children, youth and families in our congregations.

YMNET Resources and Information

Outdoor ministry

  • Luther Point

    Grantsburg, WI

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  • Luther Park

    Danbury, WI

    Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.

  • Luther Park

    Chetek, WI

    Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.

  • Lake Wapogasset

    Amery, WI

    Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.

  • Camp AMNION

    South Range, WI

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Synod Resource Center

Looking for a book, video, Bible study or worship resources? Our Synod Resource Center can help! You can visit the center at 202 W Grand Avenue, Eau Claire, and browse through the many resources housed there or you can access files electronically by clicking the link below. Either way, you will find a wealth of information to meet your needs.

Synod Resource Center Website


Augsburg Fortress

"As the ministry of publishing of the ELCA, we are dedicated to serving you with top quality Christian materials that communicate the Gospel, enhance faith, and enrich the life of the Church and the communities it serves. In turn, each purchase you make from us helps us to support your ministry. Unlike other publishers and church supply companies, Augsburg Fortress reinvests all profits made into the development of new quality ministry resources for the church. The result — a virtuous circle that encompasses both the needs of your church and the ability for Augsburg Fortress to provide you with resources to meet those needs."

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Spirit and Truth Publishing

Our company is a small, independent faith formation publishing company committed to providing high-quality, innovative faith formation materials for all ages. Our products are tools that faith formation leaders (teachers, small group leaders, pastors, worship leaders, etc.) can use to connect education with the worship service and integrate a congregation’s faith formation efforts throughout all ages. 

Search for Spirit and Truth Publishing resources