"Fresh Expressions is a movement of the HolySpirit cultivating new forms of church alongside existing congregations to reach a changing world."

Deep Roots, Wild Branches, pg. 53

Fresh Expressions Summit

JUNE 19, 2024  -  9:00 - 2:00

Luther Park Bible Camp - Worship Center

Have you ever wondered how you can reach new people in new places in new ways with the life changing message of God’s love? Join Rev. Diane House and Bryan Willkom from Jesusfit in learning about and experimenting with many Fresh Expressions of Church. Lunch will be provided as we will experience Dinner Church when we meet around the tables for the meal! Please RSVP by June 12th so we can plan on numbers for lunch. 

Please register HERE to attend.

Download event flyer HERE.

Download Social Media Square HERE.


For information about Fresh Expressions in the Northwest Synod of WIsconsin please contact Rev. Diane House, Director for Evangelical Mission:



To access audio conversations about practicing Fresh Expressions through Luther Seminary's Pivot Podcast HERE.