HOly Everything: A Lenten Series of Spiritual Practices

During these 40 days of Lent we will strive to draw closer to God. Lent is a time, as we prepare for Easter morning, to take the opportunity to pray and reflect. It is a time to begin a process of changing things up spiritually, to come our of our comfort zones , so that we can bring ourselves into greater union with God in preparation to receive our Resurrected Jesus more fully. Join us this Lent, as we will engage in weekly spiritual practices to draw ourselves closer to Jesus Christ and understand that God is everywhere and in everything. 

Ash WEdnesday

Ash Wednesday will reintroduce us to the spiritual practice of the imposition of ashes.  We will reflect on the words "Remember that you are dust, and dust you shall become." 

+To prepare for this time of worship and spiritual practice please have ashes available.  If you don't have access to ashes, you can use oil or water.  

View the Ash Wednesday video HERE

Week 2: Longings & Lament

Week 2 will introduce us to the spiritual practice of lament.  We will reflect on Psalm 22, and dig deeper into our grief, consider the things we have lost or that leave us feeling worried or weary.

+To prepare for this time of worship and spiritual practice please gather paper or a journal and a pen.

View the Week 2 video HERE

Week 3: Daily Examen

Week 3 will walk us through the spiritual practice of the Daily Examen using the 5 steps of reflection created by Ignatius of Loyola: Stillness, Thankfulness, Reflection, Prayer, & Hope.

+Although no items are needed for this spiritual practice, you can choose to have paper or a journal on hand to jot down your thoughts, if that's helpful for you.   

View the Week 3 video HERE

Week 4: Centering Prayer

Week 4 will include a technique of silent prayer, providing space to consider God's presence with us. You will be invited to consider a sacred word which will guide your time and thoughts.  

+There are no items needed in preparation for this week's spiritual practice.  

View the Week 4 video HERE

Week 5: Dwelling in the WOrd

Week 5 includes a time of intentional listening to God's Word.  Reflecting on Psalm 42, you will be invited into a time wondering about the words you hear and the message God is sharing.  

+To prepare for this time of worship and spiritual practice please have paper or a journal and a pen.  You can also have a Bible on hand if you prefer a different Biblical translation or are engaging in this practice with children who might prefer a children's Bible.  

View the Week 5 video HERE

Week 6: Blessing Prayer

The Week 6 faith practice includes intentionality of thought, prayers, and visualization.  We will be asking God to surround ourself and others with love, healing, and peace.  

+To prepare for this time of worship and spiritual practice please have paper or a journal and a pen.  

View the Week 6 video HERE

Maundy Thursday

During Holy Week in the Christian church, Maundy Thursday is recognized as the day of Jesus' Last Supper with the disciples, his friend's betrayal, and his arrest.  It is a day we gather around a meal in remembrance and assurance of Jesus' presence.

+To prepare for this time of worship and spiritual practice please gather: a candle, water, bread, wine or grape juice, and a cross.  

View the Maundy Thursday video HERE

Good Friday

Good Friday is a day of thoughtful consideration for Jesus' sacrifice, his death on the cross, for each one of us.  The spiritual practice for this time of worship will be Tenebrae, a service of meditation on Christ's suffering., 

+Although no items are required, you are welcome to gather 7 candles and extinguish them in succession with the worship leaders.

View the Good Friday video HERE