HOly Conversations

Options for congregations considering a vital and sustainable future

"I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."

~Isaiah 43:19

Holy Conversations

Discerning the season of your congregation’s life is a crucial step both in regard to vitality and to sustainability. It is important to look at a wide range of options and to prayerfully discern what direction God is calling the congregation.

Because “synod” means walking together, no congregation goes on this discernment journey alone. We will be walking with you as you discern and live into the option that is most faithful for your congregation. There is no right or wrong answer but rather the goal is to be faithful to the situation facing your congregation and the unique setting of your ministry.

Each option listed has significant benefits and challenges. As you discern, know that financial sustainability is not the same as vitality. We are praying that your congregation considers its future with vitality as your primary factor. As with all discernment, this process should be steeped in prayer and Scripture keeping us focused on God’s mission.